A couple of months ago, I received an email from my cousin asking
if I could be the photographer for her wedding. "Yes" was the only answer that popped in my head.
I'm going to get a bit nostalgic here, like the rest of my cousins, I've taken care of her at one point.
I used to watch over her and her sisters when they were younger.
I used to watch over her and her sisters when they were younger.
I remember when they were still in grade school, we'd walk to drop them off to school.
Yes, I have to accept the fact that she's all grown up now (and that I'm old...er.)
Yes, I have to accept the fact that she's all grown up now (and that I'm old...er.)
Over the weekend, Amado and I headed to San Diego to do Candy and Evan's engagement photos.
The weather was perfect that morning. We drove to a park just a few minutes away from their place.
Candy and Evan did great that day. But I can't forget to mention our dog wrangler Angela "On-Time", Kristine who did Candy's make up and Amado who also helped me out that day.
Candy and Evan did great that day. But I can't forget to mention our dog wrangler Angela "On-Time", Kristine who did Candy's make up and Amado who also helped me out that day.
I can't wait until the wedding!